Source code for toolium.driver_wrappers_pool

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
This file is part of Toolium.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import inspect
import os

import datetime

from toolium.config_files import ConfigFiles
from toolium.utils.path_utils import get_valid_filename, makedirs_safe
from toolium.selenoid import Selenoid

[docs] class DriverWrappersPool(object): """Driver wrappers pool :type driver_wrappers: list of toolium.driver_wrapper.DriverWrapper :type config_directory: str :type logger: logging.Logger :type output_directory: str :type screenshots_directory: str :type screenshots_number: int :type videos_directory: str :type logs_directory: str :type videos_number: int :type visual_baseline_directory: str :type visual_output_directory: str :type visual_number: int """ driver_wrappers = [] #: driver wrappers list # Configuration and output folders config_directory = None #: folder with configuration files output_directory = None #: folder to save output files # Screenshots configuration screenshots_directory = None #: folder to save screenshots screenshots_number = None #: number of screenshots taken until now # Videos configuration videos_directory = None #: folder to save videos logs_directory = None #: folder to save logs videos_number = None #: number of visual images taken until now # Visual Testing configuration visual_baseline_directory = None #: folder to save visual baseline images visual_output_directory = None #: folder to save visual report and images visual_number = None #: number of videos recorded until now
[docs] @classmethod def is_empty(cls): """Check if the wrappers pool is empty :returns: true if the wrappers pool is empty """ return len(cls.driver_wrappers) == 0
[docs] @classmethod def get_default_wrapper(cls): """Returns the default (first) driver wrapper :returns: default driver wrapper :rtype: toolium.driver_wrapper.DriverWrapper """ if cls.is_empty(): # Create a new driver wrapper if the pool is empty from toolium.driver_wrapper import DriverWrapper DriverWrapper() return cls.driver_wrappers[0]
[docs] @classmethod def add_wrapper(cls, driver_wrapper): """Add a driver wrapper to the wrappers pool :param driver_wrapper: driver_wrapper instance """ cls.driver_wrappers.append(driver_wrapper)
[docs] @classmethod def capture_screenshots(cls, name): """Capture a screenshot in each driver :param name: screenshot name suffix """ screenshot_name = '{}_driver{}' if len(cls.driver_wrappers) > 1 else '{}' driver_index = 1 for driver_wrapper in cls.driver_wrappers: if not driver_wrapper.driver: continue from toolium.jira import add_attachment try: add_attachment(driver_wrapper.utils.capture_screenshot(screenshot_name.format(name, driver_index))) except Exception: # Capture exceptions to avoid errors in teardown method due to session timeouts pass driver_index += 1
[docs] @classmethod def connect_default_driver_wrapper(cls, config_files=None): """Get default driver wrapper, configure it and connect driver :param config_files: driver wrapper specific config files :returns: default driver wrapper :rtype: toolium.driver_wrapper.DriverWrapper """ driver_wrapper = cls.get_default_wrapper() if not driver_wrapper.driver: config_files = DriverWrappersPool.initialize_config_files(config_files) driver_wrapper.configure(config_files) driver_wrapper.connect() return driver_wrapper
[docs] @classmethod def close_drivers(cls, scope, test_name, test_passed=True, context=None): """Stop all drivers, capture screenshots, copy webdriver and GGR logs and download saved videos :param scope: execution scope (function, module, class or session) :param test_name: executed test name :param test_passed: True if the test has passed :param context: behave context """ if scope == 'function': # Capture screenshot on error if not test_passed: cls.capture_screenshots(test_name) # Execute behave dynamic environment if context and hasattr(context, 'dyn_env'): context.dyn_env.execute_after_scenario_steps(context) # Save webdriver logs on error or if it is enabled cls.save_all_webdriver_logs(test_name, test_passed) elif scope == 'session': from toolium.visual_test import VisualTest VisualTest.update_latest_report() # Close browser and stop driver if it must not be reused reuse_driver = cls.get_default_wrapper().should_reuse_driver(scope, test_passed, context) cls.stop_drivers(reuse_driver) cls.download_videos(test_name, test_passed, reuse_driver) cls.save_all_ggr_logs(test_name, test_passed) cls.remove_drivers(reuse_driver)
[docs] @classmethod def stop_drivers(cls, maintain_default=False): """Stop all drivers except default if it should be reused :param maintain_default: True if the default driver should not be closed """ # Exclude first wrapper if the driver must be reused driver_wrappers = cls.driver_wrappers[1:] if maintain_default else cls.driver_wrappers for driver_wrapper in driver_wrappers: if not driver_wrapper.driver: continue try: driver_wrapper.driver.quit() except Exception as e: driver_wrapper.logger.warning( "Capture exceptions to avoid errors in teardown method due to session timeouts: \n %s" % e)
[docs] @classmethod def download_videos(cls, name, test_passed=True, maintain_default=False): """Download saved videos if video is enabled or if test fails :param name: destination file name :param test_passed: True if the test has passed :param maintain_default: True if the default driver should not be closed """ # Exclude first wrapper if the driver must be reused driver_wrappers = cls.driver_wrappers[1:] if maintain_default else cls.driver_wrappers video_name = '{}_driver{}' if len(driver_wrappers) > 1 else '{}' video_name = video_name if test_passed else 'error_{}'.format(video_name) driver_index = 1 for driver_wrapper in driver_wrappers: if not driver_wrapper.driver: continue try: # Download video if necessary (error case or enabled video) if (not test_passed or driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('Server', 'video_enabled', False)) \ and driver_wrapper.remote_node_video_enabled: driver_wrapper.utils.download_remote_video(driver_wrapper.server_type, video_name.format(name, driver_index)) except Exception as exc: # Capture exceptions to avoid errors in teardown method due to session timeouts driver_wrapper.logger.warning('Error downloading videos: %s' % exc) driver_index += 1
[docs] @classmethod def remove_drivers(cls, maintain_default=False): """Clean drivers list except default if it should be reused. Drivers must be closed before. :param maintain_default: True if the default driver should not be removed """ cls.driver_wrappers = cls.driver_wrappers[0:1] if maintain_default else []
[docs] @classmethod def save_all_webdriver_logs(cls, test_name, test_passed): """Get all webdriver logs of each driver and write them to log files :param test_name: test that has generated these logs :param test_passed: True if the test has passed """ cls.save_all_webdriver_or_ggr_logs(test_name, test_passed, ggr=False)
[docs] @classmethod def save_all_ggr_logs(cls, test_name, test_passed): """Get all GGR logs of each driver and write them to log files :param test_name: test that has generated these logs :param test_passed: True if the test has passed """ cls.save_all_webdriver_or_ggr_logs(test_name, test_passed, ggr=True)
[docs] @classmethod def save_all_webdriver_or_ggr_logs(cls, test_name, test_passed, ggr=False): """Get all webdriver or GGR logs of each driver and write them to log files :param test_name: test that has generated these logs :param test_passed: True if the test has passed :param ggr: True if driver should be ggr or selenoid """ log_name = '{} [driver {}]' if len(cls.driver_wrappers) > 1 else '{}' driver_index = 1 for driver_wrapper in cls.driver_wrappers: if driver_wrapper.driver and (driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('Server', 'logs_enabled') or not test_passed): try: log_file_name = get_valid_filename(log_name.format(test_name, driver_index)) if ggr and driver_wrapper.server_type in ['ggr', 'selenoid']: Selenoid(driver_wrapper).download_session_log(log_file_name) elif not ggr and driver_wrapper.server_type not in ['ggr', 'selenoid']: driver_wrapper.utils.save_webdriver_logs(log_file_name) except Exception as exc: # Capture exceptions to avoid errors in teardown method due to session timeouts driver_wrapper.logger.warning('Error downloading webdriver logs: %s' % exc) driver_index += 1
[docs] @staticmethod def get_configured_value(system_property_name, specific_value, default_value): """Get configured value from system properties, method parameters or default value :param system_property_name: system property name :param specific_value: test case specific value :param default_value: default value :returns: configured value """ try: return os.environ[system_property_name] except KeyError: return specific_value if specific_value else default_value
[docs] @classmethod def configure_common_directories(cls, tc_config_files): """Configure common config and output folders for all tests :param tc_config_files: test case specific config files """ if cls.config_directory is None: # Get config directory from properties config_directory = cls.get_configured_value('TOOLIUM_CONFIG_DIRECTORY', tc_config_files.config_directory, 'conf') prop_filenames = cls.get_configured_value('TOOLIUM_CONFIG_PROPERTIES_FILENAMES', tc_config_files.config_properties_filenames, 'properties.cfg') cls.config_directory = cls._find_parent_directory(config_directory, prop_filenames.split(';')[0]) # Get output directory from properties and create it cls.output_directory = cls.get_configured_value('TOOLIUM_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY', tc_config_files.output_directory, 'output') if not os.path.isabs(cls.output_directory): # If output directory is relative, we use the same path as config directory cls.output_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cls.config_directory), cls.output_directory) makedirs_safe(cls.output_directory) # Get visual baseline directory from properties default_baseline = os.path.join(cls.output_directory, 'visualtests', 'baseline') cls.visual_baseline_directory = cls.get_configured_value('TOOLIUM_VISUAL_BASELINE_DIRECTORY', tc_config_files.visual_baseline_directory, default_baseline) if not os.path.isabs(cls.visual_baseline_directory): # If baseline directory is relative, we use the same path as config directory cls.visual_baseline_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cls.config_directory), cls.visual_baseline_directory)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_default_config_directory(): """Return default config directory, based in the actual test path :returns: default config directory """ test_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[2][1])) return os.path.join(test_path, 'conf')
@staticmethod def _find_parent_directory(directory, filename): """Find a directory in parent tree with a specific filename :param directory: directory name to find :param filename: filename to find :returns: absolute directory path """ parent_directory = directory absolute_directory = '.' while absolute_directory != os.path.abspath(parent_directory): absolute_directory = os.path.abspath(parent_directory) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(absolute_directory, filename)): return absolute_directory if os.path.isabs(parent_directory): parent_directory = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(parent_directory), '..', os.path.basename(parent_directory)) else: parent_directory = os.path.join('..', parent_directory) return os.path.abspath(directory)
[docs] @classmethod def configure_visual_directories(cls, driver_info): """Configure screenshots, videos and visual directories :param driver_info: driver property value to name folders """ if cls.screenshots_directory is None: # Unique screenshots and videos directories date ='%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S') folder_name = '%s_%s' % (date, driver_info) if driver_info else date folder_name = get_valid_filename(folder_name) cls.screenshots_directory = os.path.join(cls.output_directory, 'screenshots', folder_name) cls.screenshots_number = 1 cls.videos_directory = os.path.join(cls.output_directory, 'videos', folder_name) cls.logs_directory = os.path.join(cls.output_directory, 'logs', folder_name) cls.videos_number = 1 # Unique visualtests directories cls.visual_output_directory = os.path.join(cls.output_directory, 'visualtests', folder_name) cls.visual_number = 1
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize_config_files(tc_config_files=None): """Initialize config files and update config files names with the environment :param tc_config_files: test case specific config files :returns: initialized config files object """ # Initialize config files if tc_config_files is None: tc_config_files = ConfigFiles() # Update properties and log file names if an environment is configured env = DriverWrappersPool.get_configured_value('TOOLIUM_CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT', None, None) if env: # Update config properties filenames prop_filenames = tc_config_files.config_properties_filenames new_prop_filenames_list = prop_filenames.split(';') if prop_filenames else ['properties.cfg'] base, ext = os.path.splitext(new_prop_filenames_list[0]) new_prop_filenames_list.append('{}-{}{}'.format(env, base, ext)) new_prop_filenames_list.append('local-{}-{}{}'.format(env, base, ext)) tc_config_files.set_config_properties_filenames(*new_prop_filenames_list) # Update output log filename output_log_filename = tc_config_files.output_log_filename base, ext = os.path.splitext(output_log_filename) if output_log_filename else ('toolium', '.log') tc_config_files.set_output_log_filename('{}_{}{}'.format(base, env, ext)) return tc_config_files
@classmethod def _empty_pool(cls): cls.driver_wrappers = [] cls.config_directory = None cls.output_directory = None cls.screenshots_directory = None cls.screenshots_number = None cls.videos_directory = None cls.logs_directory = None cls.videos_number = None cls.visual_output_directory = None cls.visual_number = None