toolium packages

toolium modules



class toolium.config_files.ConfigFiles[source]

Bases: object


Set directory where configuration files are saved


config_directory – configuration directory path


Set logging configuration file


filename – logging configuration filename


Set properties files used to configure test cases


filenames – list of properties filenames


Set output directory where log file and screenshots will be saved


output_directory – output directory path


Set logging output file


filename – logging configuration filename


Set visual baseline directory where baseline images will be saved


visual_baseline_directory – visual baseline directory path


class toolium.config_parser.ExtendedConfigParser(defaults=None, dict_type=<class 'dict'>, allow_no_value=False, *, delimiters=('=', ':'), comment_prefixes=('#', ';'), inline_comment_prefixes=None, strict=True, empty_lines_in_values=True, default_section='DEFAULT', interpolation=<object object>, converters=<object object>)[source]

Bases: ConfigParser


Returns a deep copy of config object


a copy of the config object

get(section, option, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get an option value for a given section.

If `vars’ is provided, it must be a dictionary. The option is looked up in `vars’ (if provided), `section’, and in `DEFAULTSECT’ in that order. If the key is not found and `fallback’ is provided, it is used as a fallback value. `None’ can be provided as a `fallback’ value.

If interpolation is enabled and the optional argument `raw’ is False, all interpolations are expanded in the return values.

Arguments `raw’, `vars’, and `fallback’ are keyword only.

The section DEFAULT is special.

static get_config_from_file(conf_properties_files)[source]

Reads properties files and saves them to a config object


conf_properties_files – comma-separated list of properties files


config object

get_optional(section, option, default=None)[source]

Get an option value for a given section If the section or the option are not found, the default value is returned

  • section – config section

  • option – config option

  • default – default value


config value

getboolean_optional(section, option, default=False)[source]

Get an option boolean value for a given section If the section or the option are not found, the default value is returned

  • section – config section

  • option – config option

  • default – default value


boolean config value

has_option(section, option)[source]

Check for the existence of a given option in a given section. If the specified `section’ is None or an empty string, DEFAULT is assumed. If the specified `section’ does not exist, returns False.


Return a list of (name, value) tuples for each option in a section.

All % interpolations are expanded in the return values, based on the defaults passed into the constructor, unless the optional argument `raw’ is true. Additional substitutions may be provided using the `vars’ argument, which must be a dictionary whose contents overrides any pre-existing defaults.

The section DEFAULT is special.


Return a list of option names for the given section name.


Override default optionxform in ConfigParser to allow case sensitive options

remove_option(section, option)[source]

Remove an option.

set(section, option, *args)[source]

Set an option. Extends RawConfigParser.set by validating type and interpolation syntax on the value.


Translate config variables included in string with format {Section_option} :param context: behave context :param str_with_variables: string with config variables, i.e. {Driver_type}_{Driver_width} :return: string with translated variables


Update config properties values Property name must be equal to ‘Section_option’ of config property


new_properties – dict with new properties values


Update config properties values or add new values if property does not exist Property name must be ‘TOOLIUM_[SECTION]_[OPTION]’ and property value must be ‘[Section]_[option]=value’ i.e. TOOLIUM_SERVER_ENABLED=’Server_enabled=true’

Section and option can not be configured in property name because they must be case sensitive and, in Windows, system properties are case insensitive


new_properties – dict with new properties values



class toolium.driver_wrappers_pool.DriverWrappersPool[source]

Bases: object

Driver wrappers pool

classmethod add_wrapper(driver_wrapper)[source]

Add a driver wrapper to the wrappers pool


driver_wrapper – driver_wrapper instance

classmethod capture_screenshots(name)[source]

Capture a screenshot in each driver


name – screenshot name suffix

classmethod close_drivers(scope, test_name, test_passed=True, context=None)[source]

Stop all drivers, capture screenshots, copy webdriver and GGR logs and download saved videos

  • scope – execution scope (function, module, class or session)

  • test_name – executed test name

  • test_passed – True if the test has passed

  • context – behave context

config_directory = None

folder with configuration files

classmethod configure_common_directories(tc_config_files)[source]

Configure common config and output folders for all tests


tc_config_files – test case specific config files

classmethod configure_visual_directories(driver_info)[source]

Configure screenshots, videos and visual directories


driver_info – driver property value to name folders

classmethod connect_default_driver_wrapper(config_files=None)[source]

Get default driver wrapper, configure it and connect driver


config_files – driver wrapper specific config files


default driver wrapper

Return type:


classmethod download_videos(name, test_passed=True, maintain_default=False)[source]

Download saved videos if video is enabled or if test fails

  • name – destination file name

  • test_passed – True if the test has passed

  • maintain_default – True if the default driver should not be closed

driver_wrappers = []

driver wrappers list

static get_configured_value(system_property_name, specific_value, default_value)[source]

Get configured value from system properties, method parameters or default value

  • system_property_name – system property name

  • specific_value – test case specific value

  • default_value – default value


configured value

static get_default_config_directory()[source]

Return default config directory, based in the actual test path


default config directory

classmethod get_default_wrapper()[source]

Returns the default (first) driver wrapper


default driver wrapper

Return type:


static initialize_config_files(tc_config_files=None)[source]

Initialize config files and update config files names with the environment


tc_config_files – test case specific config files


initialized config files object

classmethod is_empty()[source]

Check if the wrappers pool is empty


true if the wrappers pool is empty

logs_directory = None

folder to save logs

output_directory = None

folder to save output files

classmethod remove_drivers(maintain_default=False)[source]

Clean drivers list except default if it should be reused. Drivers must be closed before.


maintain_default – True if the default driver should not be removed

classmethod save_all_ggr_logs(test_name, test_passed)[source]

Get all GGR logs of each driver and write them to log files

  • test_name – test that has generated these logs

  • test_passed – True if the test has passed

classmethod save_all_webdriver_logs(test_name, test_passed)[source]

Get all webdriver logs of each driver and write them to log files

  • test_name – test that has generated these logs

  • test_passed – True if the test has passed

classmethod save_all_webdriver_or_ggr_logs(test_name, test_passed, ggr=False)[source]

Get all webdriver or GGR logs of each driver and write them to log files

  • test_name – test that has generated these logs

  • test_passed – True if the test has passed

  • ggr – True if driver should be ggr or selenoid

screenshots_directory = None

folder to save screenshots

screenshots_number = None

number of screenshots taken until now

classmethod stop_drivers(maintain_default=False)[source]

Stop all drivers except default if it should be reused


maintain_default – True if the default driver should not be closed

videos_directory = None

folder to save videos

videos_number = None

number of visual images taken until now

visual_baseline_directory = None

folder to save visual baseline images

visual_number = None

number of videos recorded until now

visual_output_directory = None

folder to save visual report and images




class toolium.selenoid.Selenoid(driver_wrapper, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

properties.cfg or local-properties.cfg files:

[Capabilities] selenoid___options: {‘enableVideo’: True, ‘enableVNC’: True, ‘enableLog’: True}

[Server] enabled: true –> MANDATORY host: <hostname or ip> –> MANDATORY port: <numeric> –> MANDATORY username: <string> –> MANDATORY password: <string> –> MANDATORY video_enabled: true logs_enabled: true


the files are always removed in the selenoid server

download_file(filename, timeout=5)[source]

download a file from remote selenoid and removing the file in the server. request: http://<username>:<password>@<ggr_host>:<ggr_port>/download/<ggr_session_id>/<filename> :param filename: file name with extension to download :param timeout: threshold until the video file is downloaded :return: downloaded file path or None

download_session_log(scenario_name, timeout=5)[source]

download the session log file from remote selenoid, renaming the file to scenario name and removing the log file in the server.

GGR request: http://<username>:<password>@<ggr_host>:<ggr_port>/logs/<ggr_session_id>

selenoid request: http://<username>:<password>@<ggr_host>:<ggr_port>/logs/<ggr_session_id>.log :param scenario_name: scenario name :param timeout: threshold until the log file is downloaded

download_session_video(scenario_name, timeout=5)[source]

download the execution video file if the scenario fails or the video is enabled, renaming the file to scenario name and removing the video file in the server.

GGR request: http://<username>:<password>@<ggr_host>:<ggr_port>/video/<session_id>

selenoid request: http://<username>:<password>@<ggr_host>:<ggr_port>/video/<session_id>.mp4 :param scenario_name: scenario name :param timeout: threshold until the video file is downloaded


retrieve the current selenoid host info request: http://<username>:<password>@<ggr_host>:<ggr_port>/host/<ggr_session_id> :return: dict


Get selenoid option value from configured capabilities :param option_name: option name :returns: option value


Is the GGR session still active? Associated to a browser and the sessionId Example of GGR status: {

“browsers”: {
“MicrosoftEdge”: {

“latest”: {}

}, “android”: {

“8.1”: {}

}, “chrome”: {

“70.0”: {}, “latest”: {

“test_tef”: {

“count”: 1, “sessions”: [

“caps”: {

“browserName”: “chrome”, “enableVNC”: true, “enableVideo”: true, “platformName”: “ANY”, “screenResolution”: “1280x1024x24”, ‘browserVersion’: “latest”, “videoName”: “selenoide952e551bb9395e16d060f28c54e5d31.mp4”, “videoScreenSize”: “1280x1024”

}, “container”: “8489205e28c9781472e99c3921a6240de3894a3603ed9e187ad6360b6b013b8b”, “containerInfo”: {

“id”: “8489205e28c9781472e99c3921a6240de3894a3603ed9e187ad6360b6b013b8b”, “ip”: “”

}, “id”: “1345506093dfed8dbcef610da476911a228ca315978e5464ae49fb1142bbc49b”, “screen”: “1280x1024x24”, “vnc”: true





}, “firefox”: {

“59.0”: {}, “63.0”: {}, “64.0”: {}, “latest”: {}

}, “internet explorer”: {

“11”: {}

}, “safari”: {

“latest”: {}


}, “pending”: 0, “queued”: 0, “total”: 30, “used”: 1

} :return boolean (although in case of error in the request will be returned None)

