Toolium Changelog
Release date: 2024-09-13
Add run_storage dictionary to context to store information during the whole test execution
Update current ChainMap context storages (, context.feature_storage and context.run_storage)
Allow to store values from steps into desire storage by using [key], [FEATURE:key] and [RUN:key]
Release date: 2024-07-15
Fix export_poeditor_project method allowing empty export response
Add key=value expressions for selecting elements in the context storage
Upgrade Faker version to 25.9.*
Fix result for action before the feature with error and background to fail scenarios
Release date: 2024-03-25
Add ignore_empty optional parameter to POEditor configuration to ignore empty translations
Ignore not found excluded elements in visual tests
Fix duration calling to Appium swipe method
Fix [STRING_WITH_LENGTH_NN] replacement for string with length inside a longer string
Release date: 2024-02-06
Fix PageElements class initialization when custom page element classes don’t have all optional attributes
Release date: 2024-02-05
Upgrade Pillow version to 10.1.* to fix compatibility with Python 3.12
Release date: 2024-02-02
Add support for Python 3.12
Upgrade Sphinx version from 4.* to 7.* to fix readthedocs theme format
Upgrade readthedocs-sphinx-search to 0.3.2 to fix security vulnerability
Do not log warning messages when toolium system properties are used
Allow to initialize a PageElements class with webview attributes
Release date: 2023-09-19
Update [CONTEXT:a.b.c] replacement to allow lists access, e.g. [CONTEXT:list.1] to access the second element of list
Add capabilities configured in [Capabilities] section also to Appium tests to use platformName and browserName w3c capabilities instead of Appium ones
platformVersion Appium capability must be a string
Add optional parameter to compare_downloaded_files method to allow to compare files with different names
Remove Python 3.7 support (Python 3.7 reached the end of its life on June 27th, 2023)
Update _android_automatic_context_selection method to be compatible with latest chromedriver versions
Release date: 2023-06-08 must be initialized before dynamic environment steps in before_feature method
Mark scenario as failed when a dynamic environment step fails in before_scenario
Mark all feature scenarios as failed when a dynamic environment step fails in before_feature and after_feature
Configure minimal Appium-Python-Client version to 2.3.0 to avoid import errors
Release date: 2023-05-09
Allow to search in using [CONTEXT:a.b.c] replacement when before_feature method is not used
Execute after scenario methods also when a scenario is skipped to assure that scenario preconditions are cleaned
Fix [LANG:key] replacement bug when it contains carriage returns must be initialized before dynamic environment steps in before_scenario method
Fix error in Python 3.11 executing nose2 tests
Release date: 2023-05-03
Add support for Python 3.11
Add support for Selenium 4
Add support for Appium-Python-Client 2
Visual testing comparison has changed
It only needs PIL library to compare images and generate the differences imagesOld PerceptualDiff and Magick engines have been removedConfig property engine in [VisualTests] section has been removedImages distance calculation method has changed, it is recommended to review thresholds in testsNow gecko_driver_path, chrome_driver_path, explorer_driver_path and edge_driver_path config properties in [Driver] section are optional, due to new SeleniumManager feature, that downloads drivers automatically
New optional config property safari_driver_path in [Driver] section to configure Safari driver
New optional config property options in [Chrome] section to configure Chrome options instead of using old property goog:chromeOptions in [Capabilities] section.
New optional config property base_path in [Server] section to allow using old Selenium 3 or Appium 1 remote servers
Remove support for lettuce tests
Remove deprecated parameter context from map_param and POEditor methods
Remove deprecated config property restart_driver_fail in [Driver] section
Remove deprecated environment variables Section_option, Config_environment and env
Update [RANDOM_PHONE_NUMBER] replacement using new DataGenerator class
Update [CONTEXT:a.b.c] replacement to search data in context, and context.feature_storage
Update [CONTEXT:a.b.c] replacement to allow dictionaries or classes in context fields
Release date: 2023-02-24
Fix drivers not being closed in after_feature when errors occur during before_feature steps execution
Allow to add extensions to chrome options from properties file
New config section [ChromeExtensions] with extensions file paths, e.g. ‘firebug: resources/firebug-lite.crx’
Release date: 2022-12-09
Fix error in Android automatic context selection when context does not contain pages
Remove Python 3.6 support (Python 3.6 reached the end of its life on December 23th, 2021)
Release date: 2022-10-18
New param [UUID] in replace_param method to generate a v4 UUID
Improve POEditor error message when there are more than one project
Release date: 2022-06-28
Reference dotted keys when saving objects in context storage using [CONTEXT:a.b.c] formula
Fix Visual testing image size for MacOS Retina and mobile layout
Release date: 2022-04-29
Update map_param method to allow recursive replacements
Update replace_param function to allow multiple date expressions in the same param
Fix error message to show parent locator instead of object reference when an element is not found
Update replace_param function to allow NOW datetime expressions with arbitrary formats accepted by datetime.strftime
Release date: 2022-03-16
Update map_param method to use dataset global variables instead of context parameter
Dataset variables needed for TOOLIUM, CONTEXT and POE replacements are set automatically
Make POEditor methods independent of behave context
Fix POEditor bug writing to file when terms contain slashes: from ‘’ to ‘’
Release date: 2022-03-04
Add set_file_path and set_base64_path functions to dataset module, to set base paths for FILE and BASE64 mappings
Visual testing baseline images are copied to output folder to facilitate report visualization in Jenkins
Visual testing output folder is copied to latest folder to allow HTML Publisher Jenkins plugin to publish it
Fix detection of POEditor configuration not available
Fix indent error in Driver Configuration documentation
Release date: 2022-02-03
Add missing param in download_videos method to fix error downloading videos from a remote server
Add map_param function to dataset module
New param [RANDOM_PHONE_NUMBER] in replace_param method to generate random phone number
Release date: 2022-01-11
Add support for Python 3.10
Add support for Appium-Python-Client 1.3.0
Remove Python 3.5 support (Python 3.5 reached the end of its life on September 13th, 2020)
Move code quality check from codacy to codeclimate
Upgrade Sphinx version from 3.* to 4.* to fix doc compilation errors in readthedocs
Release date: 2021-11-03
Add JSON object/list conversion to Python dict/list in the type inference logic of the replace_param function
Add finalize_properties_configuration method in DriverWrapper class to allow the modification of config properties upon initialization programmatically before driver creation
Properties values configured by properties files can be overridden with system properties named TOOLIUM_[SECTION]_[OPTION], moreover these system properties can be used to add new properties that do not exist in properties files
Configuration system properties have been renamed. The old property names are deprecated but they can still be used.
Deprecated property name -> New property nameConfig_environment -> TOOLIUM_CONFIG_ENVIRONMENTOutput_directory -> TOOLIUM_OUTPUT_DIRECTORYOutput_log_filename -> TOOLIUM_OUTPUT_LOG_FILENAMEConfig_directory -> TOOLIUM_CONFIG_DIRECTORYConfig_log_filename -> TOOLIUM_CONFIG_LOG_FILENAMEConfig_prop_filenames -> TOOLIUM_CONFIG_PROPERTIES_FILENAMESVisual_baseline_directory -> TOOLIUM_VISUAL_BASELINE_DIRECTORYBehave user property ‘Config_environment’ is deprecated, use ‘TOOLIUM_CONFIG_ENVIRONMENT’ instead:
Release date: 2021-09-22
Avoid to overwrite parent in group elements when a custom parent is defined
Fix Chrome options to allow to configure them at the same time in Chrome sections and in goog:chromeOptions capability
Release date: 2021-07-05
Add type inference and improve replacement logic in replace_param function
Remove generate_fixed_length_param function, as all possible transformations are available in replace_param
Fix docutils development dependency to version 0.16
Fix InputText element class getting the text value for mobile apps in webview mode
Release date: 2021-06-15
Remove Python 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4 support
Update deprecated methods to fix warnings in python3 execution
Move get_valid_filename and makedirs_safe methods from toolium.path_utils to toolium.utils.path_utils
Move Utils class from toolium.utils to toolium.utils.driver_utils
Fix report when an error happens in the Dynamic Environment
New param [TIMESTAMP] in replace_param method to generate timestamp value of the actual moment
Release date: 2021-04-09
Fix error in deepcopy method of ExtendedConfigParser class when two config properties have colon in name
Release date: 2021-03-11
Added new method wait_until_ajax_request_completed to driver utils class
Move CI from Travis to Github Actions
Fix string conversion in dataset utilities
Add upper/lower conversion to replace param method
Release date: 2021-03-02
Added utilities to download files
Get text for InputText element in mobile tests
Add translate_config_variables method to ExtendedConfigParser class to translate config variables in a string
Add dataset utilities
Manage multiples webviews for mobile tests
Release date: 2020-12-17
Add support for python 3.9
Add get_driver_name method to driver utils class
Add doc about how to configure Firefox device mode
Fix driver log types documentation
Release date: 2020-11-02
Create logs folder before downloading driver logs
Add set_focus method to common elements and input text elements
Fix driver log types list in local executions
Fix automatic_context_selection for group element
Release date: 2020-10-05
Allow lists in config properties instead of converting them to strings
Fix typo in documentation for configuration Server log types
Include click action in InputText element
New config property ‘automatic_context_selection’ in [Driver] section for mobile tests with webview
If it’s false, the WebElement is searched using always NATIVE contextIf it’s true, the WebElement is searched using context NATIVE or WEBVIEW depeding of the webview attribute value
Release date: 2020-09-01
Move and files to utils folder maintaining backwards compatibility
Fix input text when element has a shadowroot and text contains quotation marks
New config property ‘log_types’ in [Server] section to configure webdriver log types that should be downloaded
Release date: 2020-05-18
Fix Appium dependency conflict, current allowed versions: from 0.24 to 0.52
Release date: 2020-05-11
Fix to allow step’s text (context.text) declaration into dynamic environment sections
Add ssl config property in [Server] section to allow using https in Selenium Grid url
Visual testing comparison must fail when baseline does not exist and save mode is disabled
Update dynamic environment behaviour to work as the behave’s one, i.e. after scenario/feature actions are executed even when before scenario/feature actions fail
Fix unit tests to work without any additional dependencies
Release date: 2020-01-21
Fix concurrent folder creation. Add makedirs_safe method to create a new folder.
Release date: 2020-01-15
New config property ‘binary’ in [Chrome] section to configure the chrome binary path
Allow configuration properties with colon in name
For instance, to set a capability with : in name, like:
goog:loggingPrefs = "{'performance': 'ALL', 'browser': 'ALL', 'driver': 'ALL'}"
Following property should be added in properties.cfg:
goog___loggingPrefs: {'performance': 'ALL', 'browser': 'ALL', 'driver': 'ALL'}
Add support for python 3.8
Release date: 2019-10-04
Fix dynamic environment exit code when there are hook errors
Release date: 2019-07-29
Fix screeninfo dependency to 0.3.1 version
Release date: 2019-07-22
Add support to encapsulated elements (Shadowroot)
Only support CSS_SELECTOR locatorInput text page element fixedIt is not supported for list of elements yetIt is not supported for element find by parent yetIt is not supported nested encapsulation yetFix Selenium dependency conflict
Release date: 2019-04-05
Fix error executing Appium locally
Release date: 2019-04-01
Check if a GGR session (current) is still active
Download Selenoid logs files also when test fails
Fix wait functions’ descriptions
Add new wait to in order to wait for an element not containing some text
Release date: 2019-03-18
Download Selenoid video and logs files only in linux nodes if video or logs are enabled
Add a sleep between Selenoid retries when downloading files
Manage exceptions in dynamic environment to mark affected scenarios as failed
Release date: 2019-02-26
Latest version of Appium can be used
Make Toolium compatible with GGR and Selenoid
Download execution video and session logs if the test fails using GGR and Selenoid
Add logs path in the _output folder to download GGR logs
Add username and password config properties in [Server] section to enable basic authentication in Selenium Grid (required by GGR)
Release date: 2018-12-18
Fix Appium version to 0.31 or minor
Release date: 2018-10-26
Add movement in X axis in scroll_element_into_view method
Fix bugs and new features in the Dynamic Environment library:
chars no utf-8 are acceptedno replace behave prefixes into a steppretty print by console, in Steps multi linesraise an exception in error caseallow comments in the stepsAdd support for python 3.7
Release date: 2018-02-26
Fix README.rst format to be compatible with pypi
Fix after_scenario error when toolium before_feature is not used
Read Config_environment before properties initialization to read right properties file
New config section [FirefoxArguments] to set firefox arguments from properties file, e.g. ‘-private’
Add a config property headless in [Driver] section to enable headless mode in firefox and chrome
New config properties ‘monitor’, ‘bounds_x’ and ‘bounds_y’ in [Driver] section to configure browser bounds and monitor
Normalize filenames to avoid errors with invalid characters
Release date: 2018-02-04
Add pytest fixtures to start and stop drivers
New config property reuse_driver_session in [Driver] section to use the same driver in all tests
Rename config property restart_driver_fail in [Driver] section to restart_driver_after_failure
Add @no_driver feature or scenario tag to do not start the driver in these tests
Fix output folder names when driver type is empty
Fix output log name when Config_environment is used
Fix Chrome options using remote drivers with Selenium >= 3.6.0
Release date: 2017-09-12
Add Behave dynamic environment (more info in Docs)
Fix visual screenshot filename error when behave feature name contains :
Add a config property ‘explicitly_wait’ in [Driver] section to set the default timeout used in wait_until methods
When reuse_driver is true using behave, driver is initialized in before_feature method and closed in after_feature method
Add @reuse_driver feature tag to reuse driver in a behave feature, even if reuse_driver is false
Add @reset_driver scenario tag to restart driver before a behave scenario, even if reuse_driver is true
Add is_present and is_visible methods to PageElement classes to know if an element is present or visible
Release date: 2017-03-24
Fix firefox initialization error using Selenium 2.X
Add wait_until_loaded method to PageObject class to wait until all page elements with wait=True are visible
Release date: 2017-03-17
Fix NoSuchElementException error finding elements in nested groups
Release date: 2017-03-10
Save geckodriver.log file in output folder
Fix MagickEngine name error when using an old version of needle
Add wait_until_clickable method to Utils and PageElement classes to search for an element and wait until it is clickable
Release date: 2017-02-01
Fix error comparing screenshots in mobile tests
Fix image size when enlarging a vertical image in visual testing reports
Move js and css out of visual html report to avoid CSP errors
Release date: 2017-01-18
Fix error installing Toolium when setuptools version is too old
Release date: 2017-01-17
Refactored reset_object method. Now it has an optional parameter with the driver_wrapper.
Fix error reading geckodriver logs after test failure
Fix error downloading videos after failed tests
Fix error in visual tests when excluding elements in a scrolled page
New config property ‘logs_enabled’ in [Server] section to download webdriver logs even if the test passes
New config property ‘save_web_element’ in [Driver] section
If it’s false, the WebElement is searched whenever is needed (default value)If it’s true, the WebElement is saved in PageElement to avoid searching for the same element multiple times. Usefulin mobile testing when searching for an element can take a long time.
New config property ‘restart_driver_fail’ in [Driver] section to restart the driver when the test fails even though the value of reuse_driver property is true
System property ‘Config_environment’ is used to select config files, e.g., to read android-properties.cfg file:
$ Config_environment=android nose2 web/tests/
Behave user property ‘env’ is deprecated, use ‘Config_environment’ instead:
$ behave -D Config_environment=android
Release date: 2016-11-18
Video download works in Selenium Grid 3
New config property ‘binary’ in [Firefox] section to configure the firefox binary path
Allow to configure visual baseline directory in ConfigFiles class (default: output/visualtests/baseline)
Delete IE and Edge cookies after tests
Fix wait_until_element_visible and wait_until_element_not_visible methods when the page element has a parent element
Add imagemagick as visual engine to have better diff images
Release date: 2016-07-19
Baseline name property can contain {Version} to add actual version capability value to the baseline name
New config property ‘gecko_driver_path’ in [Browser] section to configure the Gecko/Marionette driver location
Release date: 2016-06-30
Save webdriver logs of each driver, not just the first one, and only if test fails
Release date: 2016-06-03
New MobilePageObject class to test Android and iOS apps with the same base page objects
Fix visual report links in Windows
Add @no_reset_app, @reset_app and @full_reset_app behave tags to configure Appium reset capabilities for one scenario
Add @android_only and @ios_only behave tags to exclude one scenario from iOS or Android executions
Add a behave user property named env to select config files, e.g., to use android-properties.cfg file:
$ behave -D env=android
Release date: 2016-05-09
Fix wait_until_first_element_is_found error when element is None
Fix app_strings initialization in page objects
Fix swipe method to work with Appium 1.5 swipe
Release date: 2016-04-12
Refactor to move config property ‘browser’ in [Browser] section to ‘type’ property in [Driver] section
Allow to run API tests with behave: driver type property must be empty
Refactor to rename ‘driver_path’ config properties to ‘chrome_driver_path’, ‘explorer_driver_path’, ‘edge_driver_path’, ‘opera_driver_path’ and ‘phantomjs_driver_path’
Refactor to move config properties ‘reuse_driver’ and ‘implicitly_wait’ from [Common] section to [Driver] section
Add a new config property ‘appium_app_strings’ in [Driver] section to request app strings before each Appium test
Add new config properties ‘window_width’ and ‘window_height’ in [Driver] section to configure browser window size
Upload the error screenshot to Jira if the test fails
Allow to add extensions to firefox profile from properties file
New config section [FirefoxExtensions] with extensions file paths, e.g. ‘firebug = firebug-3.0.0-beta.3.xpi’
Allow to use a predefined firefox profile
New config property ‘profile’ in [Firefox] section to configure the profile directory
Allow to set chrome arguments from properties file
New config section [ChromeArguments] with chrome arguments, e.g. ‘lang = es’
Save WebElement in PageElement to avoid searching for the same element multiple times
Refactor to rename get_element to get_web_element in Utils class and element to web_element in PageElement class
Add wait_until_first_element_is_found method to Utils class to search for a list of elements and wait until one of them is found
Add new page element types: Checkbox, InputRadio, Link, Group and PageElements
Allow to modify Toolium properties from behave userdata configuration, e.g.:
$ behave -D Driver_type=chrome
Refactor to rename assertScreenshot to assert_screenshot and assertFullScreenshot to assert_full_screenshot
Add force parameter to assert_screenshot methods to compare the screenshot even if visual testing is disabled by configuration. If the assertion fails, the test fails.
Baseline name property can contain {PlatformVersion} or {RemoteNode} to add actual platform version or remote node name to the baseline name
Release date: 2016-01-07
Fix app_strings initialization in Behave Appium tests
In Behave tests, Toolium config is saved in context.toolium_config instead of using context.config to avoid overriding Behave config
Release date: 2015-12-23
Allow to create a second driver using DriverWrapper constructor:
second_wrapper = DriverWrapper()
Fix page object issue with non-default driver. Now page object and utils init methods have both a driver_wrapper optional parameter instead of driver parameter.
Fix swipe over an element in Android and iOS web tests
Move set_config_* and set_output_* test case methods to ConfigFiles class
Add behave environment file to initialize Toolium wrapper from behave tests
Release date: 2015-11-24
Fix image size in visual testing for Android and iOS web tests
Baseline name property allows any configuration property value to configure the visual testing baseline folder, e.g.:
{AppiumCapabilities_deviceName}-{AppiumCapabilities_platformVersion}: this baseline_name could use baselines as iPhone_6-8.3, iPhone_6-9.1, iPhone_6s-9.1, …{Browser_browser}: this baseline_name could use baselines as firefox, iexplore, … (default value)Fix page elements initialization when they are defined outside of a page object
Release date: 2015-11-11
Compatibility with Python 3
Release date: 2015-11-02
New config property ‘operadriver_path’ in [Browser] section to configure the Opera Driver location
Fix initialization error when a page object contains another page object
Fix visual testing error if browser is phantomjs
Fix firefox profile error in remote executions
Configure to execute tests with ‘python test’
Convert markdown (.md) files to reStructuredText (.rst) and update long_description with README.rst content
Release date: 2015-10-21
Rename library from seleniumtid to toolium
Distributed under Apache Software License, Version 2
Release date: 2015-09-23
Add support to Edge Windows browser
New config property ‘summary_prefix’ in [Jira] section to modify default TCE summary
Add scroll_element_into_view method to PageElement that scroll to element
Add parent parameter to PageElement when element must be found from parent
Page elements can be defined as class attributes, it is no longer necessary to define them as instance attributes in init_page_elements()
Add wait_until_visible, wait_until_not_visible and assertScreenshot methods to PageElement
Allow to set Chrome mobile options from properties file
New config section [ChromeMobileEmulation] with mobile emulation options, e.g. ‘deviceName = Google Nexus 5’
Configuration system properties have been renamed
Old properties: Files_output_path, Files_log_filename, Files_properties, Files_loggingNew properties: Output_directory, Output_log_filename, Config_directory, Config_prop_filenames, Config_log_filenameAdd set_config_* and set_output_* test case methods to configure output and config files instead of using configuration system properties
Release date: 2015-07-24
Allow to set custom driver capabilities from properties file
New config section [Capabilities] with driver capabilities
Fix set_value and app_strings errors in mobile web tests
Fix set_value error in iOS tests when using needle
Release date: 2015-06-02
Allow to find elements by ios_uiautomation in visual assertions
Fix app_strings error in mobile web tests
Use set_value instead of send_keys to run tests faster
Release date: 2015-05-21
Add swipe method in Utils to allow swipe over an element
Only one property file is mandatory if Files_properties has multiple values
Allow to exclude elements from visual screenshots
Release date: 2015-05-12
Output path (screenshots, videos, visualtests) can be specified with a system property: Files_output_path
Update app_strings in Appium tests only if the driver has changed
Move visual properties from [Server] section to [VisualTests] section
With a visual assertion error, the test can fail or give an error message and continue
New config property ‘fail’ in [VisualTests] section to fail the test when there is a visual error
Create a html report with the visual tests results
New config property ‘complete_report’ in [VisualTests] section to include also correct visual assertions in report
Configure multiple baseline name for different browsers, languages and versions
New config property ‘baseline_name’ in [VisualTests] section to configure the name of the baseline folderAllow {browser}, {language} and {platformVersion} variables, e.g. baseline_name = {browser}-{language}The default baseline_name is {browser}.Add assertFullScreenshot method in SeleniumTestCase
Release date: 2015-04-17
Add wait_until_element_visible method in utils class
Logger filename can be specified with a system property: Files_log_filename
Release date: 2015-03-23
Add Button page element
AppiumTestCase has a new attribute app_strings, a dict with application strings in the active language
Release date: 2015-03-05
Allow to set firefox and chrome preferences from properties file
New config section [FirefoxPreferences] with firefox preferences, e.g. ‘ = /tmp’New config section [ChromePreferences] with chrome preferences, e.g. ‘download.default_directory = /tmp’
Release date: 2015-02-11
Read properties file before each test to allow executing tests with different configurations (android, iphone, …)
Release date: 2015-02-04
Logging and properties config files can be specified with a system property: Files_logging and Files_properties
Files_properties allows multiple files separated by ;
Release date: 2015-01-26
Fixed minor bugs
Add visual testing to lettuce tests
Release date: 2015-01-20
Add visual testing to SeleniumTestCase and AppiumTestCase
New config property ‘visualtests_enabled’ in [Server] section to enable visual testingNew config property ‘visualtests_save’ in [Server] section to overwrite baseline images with actual screenshotsNew config property ‘visualtests_engine’ in [Server] section to select image engine (pil or perceptualdiff)
Release date: 2014-12-23
Allow to autocomplete self.driver and self.utils in IDEs
Remove non-mandatory requirements
Release date: 2014-12-05
Multiple tests of a class can be linked to the same Jira Test Case
If test fails, the error message will be added as a comment to the Jira Test Case Execution
Update Jira Test Cases also in lettuce tests
Release date: 2014-12-01
Downloads the saved video if the test has been executed in a VideoGrid
Add BasicTestCase class to be used in Api tests or in other tests without selenium driver
Release date: 2014-11-12
Add Lettuce terrain file to initialize Selenium driver
Add ConfigDriver.create_driver method to create a new driver with specific configuration
Add wait_until_element_not_visible method in utils class
Release date: 2014-06-12
Add a config property ‘implicitly_wait’ in [Common] section to set an implicit timeout
Add a config property ‘reuse_driver’ in [Common] section to use the same driver in all tests of each class
The driver can be reused only in a test class setting a class variable ‘reuse_driver = True’
Release date: 2014-05-13
Now depends on Appium 1.0
Release date: 2014-03-04
First version of the selenium library in python